Bill Blair

Student Pastor

Bill serves as the Youth Pastor.


He has earned a Masters of Divinity from Wesley Biblical Seminary.


Bill is driven in his role at OU by working alongside Jesus to help students come alive in their faith and grow in relationships in the broader church through experiences that build them up. He says he has two favorite parts of the job: seeing students receive Christ and grow in faith and working with an incredible team of adult leaders that carry students through middle school and high school in their life groups.


Bill loves the outdoors, rock climbing, and concerts!

Pat Forrester

Ministry Coordinator: Serve Teams, Local Outreach, Caring Ministries

Pat serves as the Ministry Coordinator for Missions, Volunteers, and Outreach.


She is driven by the search for spiritual connection with God, the desire to have God dwell in her life, and the knowledge that it is He who sustains us. This drives her to make disciples of Jesus and spread His love! Her favorite part of the job is being able to work with different people (of all ages) in the church and community. She cares about working in all areas including the Pantry, building beds for kids, cooking for congregational care, and especially being a part of Sunday worship.


Pat says her hobbies used to be camping, canoeing, and hiking, but now it looks more like glamping, floating, and walking.

Cody Hickman

Director of Communications & Worship

Cody serves as the Director of Worship & Communications at OU. He is passionate about helping people connect to the Lord and one another through worship and storytelling. His favorite part of the job is working at a church that has vision beyond just our little block in downtown Oxford. He says he used to have hobbies. Now he has kids. He loves spending time with his wife and 4 kids. He has a lot of chickens, and he firmly believes that baseball is the greatest sport. Cody serves as the Director of Worship & Communications at OU. He is passionate about helping people connect to the Lord and one another through worship and storytelling. His favorite part of the job is working at a church that has vision beyond just our little block in downtown Oxford. He says he used to have hobbies. Now he has kids. He loves spending time with his wife and 4 kids. He has a lot of chickens, and he firmly believes that baseball is the greatest sport.

Anita Ludlow

Director of Traditional Worship & Organist


Anita serves as the Organist and Director of Traditional Music.


Worship drives her in her role at OU. She frames her role at OU around John 4.24: “God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” Her favorite part of her position is leading God’s people in song. She believes that music is the language of the soul and that it often touches the soul where mere words cannot.


Her hobbies and interests include cooking, reading, and trying to grow flowers that deer won’t eat!