
Your gift is an investment in changing lives.

Ways to Give:

  • Text “Give”to (877) 491-9825
  • Mail to OUUMC, 424 South 10th Street, Oxford, MS 38655

For any questions, please contact Chris Latimer.

The Way of Generosity

Where are you on the Way of Generosity?

  • Skeptic–Build trust. Lean in. Listen for God’s leading for a first step.
  • Participant–Make an investment in the ministries of OU for the first time.
  • Percentage Giver–Give a predetermined percentage of annual income using recurring giving.
  • Proactive Giver–Increase giving by 1.5% of annual income towards a 10% Biblical tithe.
  • Partner–Invest in the mission of Christ at OU beyond a tithe.

Ready to make a step on the way of generosity? Fill this out and an OU staff member will get in touch with you soon!